microdata.el is an Emacs package for extracting and acting on microdata from HTML and emails. Personally, I use this package to open Discourse and GitHub PR/issue notifications from notmuch.

This package is not currently available on MELPA.


You'll need to install this package from source with your favorite Emacs package manager.

(use-package microdata
  :vc (:url "https://github.com/Stebalien/microdata.el"))

Personally, I use this package with notmuch and distribute a notmuch integration library along with it. However, there's no reason it wouldn't work with mu4e or Gnus.

For example, the following will open the email's default action with C-c C-c:

(use-package notmuch-microdata
  (:map notmuch-show-mode-map
  "C-c C-c" 'notmuch-microdata-show-action-view
  :map notmuch-show-mode-map
  "C-c C-c" 'notmuch-microdata-search-action-view))


The core microdata.el library provides 4 key functions:

  1. (microdata-from-html) for extracting microdata from a buffer containing HTML.
  2. (microdata-from-email) for extracting microdata from a buffer containing a raw email message.
  3. (microdata-email-actions) for extracting the list of "actions" that can be performed on an email. This list has the form (("ActionName" . ((url . "https://some.url") (type . "SomeActionType")))).
  4. (microdata-email-actions-by-type TYPE) for extracting the list of "actions" with the given TYPE. This list has the form '(("ActionName" . "https://some.url")).

With emails, you'll usually want to call (microdata-email-actions-by-type "ViewAction").